Someone said the Palisades is on fire.
Someone said they might close school.
Someone said the smoke’s crazy.
Someone said mandatory evacuation.
Someone said fifteen thousand acres could go.
Someone said more.
Someone said the president’s here.
Someone said the mayor isn’t.
Someone said the schools are gone.
Someone said it’s the whole village.
Someone said there’s zero percent containment.
Someone said we need the national guard.
Someone said they’re sending the Navy.
Someone said it’s spreading.
Someone said there’s eighty mile an hour wind.
Someone said ninety.
Someone said the ashes are blowing in from Malibu.
Someone said they’re from Altadena.
Someone said Harrison Ford got a police escort.
Someone said fuck fucking Harrison Ford.
Someone said it’s five separate fires.
Someone said seven.
Someone said half the state’s on fire.
Someone said they’re evacuating SaMo.
Someone said we’re next.
Someone said we’re in the yellow zone.
Someone said actually red.
Someone said what the fuck are these zones anyway?
Someone said dunno, there’s a map.
Someone said they’re looting Bel-Air.
Someone said, well that’s LA.
Someone said they arrested three looters, chill the fuck out.
Someone said the Getty’s fucked.
Someone said it’s fine, they cleared their brush.
Someone said PCH is closed.
Someone said 4th street too.
Someone said there’s a fire on Adelaide.
Someone said it’s already out.
Someone said, I’m outta here.
Someone said drive towards the ocean.
Someone said the roads are jammed.
Someone said, just leave the car.
Someone said they bulldozed cars on Sunset.
Someone said San Diego’s okay.
Someone said they’re on watch, OC’s better.
Someone said, make sure you have enough gas.
Someone said, pack a Go Bag.
Someone said they don’t give you much time.
Someone said she forgot her bra last time her house burned.
Someone said, just stay inside and close the windows.
Someone said, def leave them open.
Someone said air conditioners help.
Someone said ACs off, phones on.
Someone said they send alerts.
Someone said they’re shite, check the apps.
Someone said Watch Duty’s better.
Someone said read the LA times.
Someone said the dickheads have a paywall up.
Someone said don’t fuck around, leave right away.
Someone said take videos of your stuff before you go.
Someone said insurance will want them.
Someone said get an umbrella policy.
Someone said, what difference they fuck you anyway.
Someone said, wear a mask.
Someone said there’s plastic in the air.
Someone said metal too.
Someone said only those K95 things work.
Someone said, not K95, N95 – idiot!
Someone said don’t drink the water.
Someone said boil it first.
Someone said stop using water.
Someone said the hydrants are dried up.
Someone said stop using cell phones.
Someone said people can’t call for help.
Someone said five are dead.
Someone said, at least.
Someone said there’s $50 billion in damage.
Someone said a thousand structures are burned.
Someone said they’re not ‘structures’, they’re people’s fucking homes.
Someone said it’s the fire chief’s fault.
Someone said it could be arson.
Someone said it’s the worst fire in decades.
Someone said in history.
Someone said unprecedented.
Someone said it’s climate change.
Someone said it’s the new normal.
Someone said, thank god you’re safe.
I can’t find shit to say.
It seems weird to hit a "heart" that says, like, cause it's not that I "like" this post, you know what I mean? I feel the angst. The anxiety. I feel so so sad for everyone. Thank you for expressing it so vividly.
Excellent! You've captured the chaos and confusion of being inundated by a cacophony of contradictory voices.