A great idea for a T-shirt: PROFANITY INCREASES EFFICACY! Rave on, Orli! The louder and more colorful the better. If you could bottle it, I would buy a case of it! Such fantastic images you make. That red face says it all. Thank you.
In the depths of caregiving, I would go out to our car, drum in hand, and wail away on the drum while rage-screaming whenever the pressure cooker needed to vent steam. Haven't had to do it for a few years now, but if the Nonsense keeps up, might get back to it...
A great idea for a T-shirt: PROFANITY INCREASES EFFICACY! Rave on, Orli! The louder and more colorful the better. If you could bottle it, I would buy a case of it! Such fantastic images you make. That red face says it all. Thank you.
In the depths of caregiving, I would go out to our car, drum in hand, and wail away on the drum while rage-screaming whenever the pressure cooker needed to vent steam. Haven't had to do it for a few years now, but if the Nonsense keeps up, might get back to it...
i’ve been practicing this for years (my kids are grown and i still have to) thanks for spreading the word !
Ha, yes, Sharron, I could use that T-shirt myself.
I shall now attempt to bottle it. Many thanks!
I didn't even think of a drum as an option. Brilliant idea.
I thought it would become less necessary as they got older but no. Oh well, practice makes perfect-ish.