Laughing and crying.

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hopefully more of the former.

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"No wire hangers, ever!"

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When I was in 8th grade, a friend’s Mom almost hemorrhaged to death trying to give herself an abortion. It was horrible and shocking and I’ve never forgotten it. This was over 50 years ago. I can’t believe that we are still hearing of this as a practiced option because of the callousness of humans. Where’s the compassion? Where’s the grace.

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There is only one answer. We must win in November. Not only for the sake of our freedom but the miss guided who are following tRump who don't or can't see how dangerous the Christian Nationalists are. I have never been more fearful for our country and my personal safety. I pray for peace and an end to the insanity here and around the world.

It is sad that the rich make more money from violence and hate than peace and love. Let them beet their swards into plow shares and practice war no more. We need peace and love not war and hate. Shalom Dan

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I remember in the 50's and 60's. The local news would report finding another "unfortunate" girl dead in an abandoned building or back yard. The cause of death was a botched abortion with a wire hanger. Now you might say, well they should have been more careful or gone to someone or some other excuse but the fact of the matter was and is that where it is illegal there is NO ONE to go to. But, and there is always going to be that but, if your daddy was rich and you got pregnant you did not have to worry. Because daddy knew the RIGHT PEOPLE. HE would take care of his little girl. No body had to know it would be our little secret. It was the realm of the rich connected business man. or the politician who knew everybody. The unfortunate girls were left to their own sorrows. They were always poor, probably of brown skin no body "we" had to worry about. With the ruling on Roe v Wade the landscape changed. Women were not turning up dead in back yards. They were getting good care by real doctors. The problem was that the rich and powerful were feeling a bit unsettled by all this. Why should those girls get the same care as my girl at the same facility and having health care paying for it! I don't want my girl having to fraternize with those kinds of people. My daughter might get friendly with one of them and bring her home, god forbid. We can't have that sort of thing happen here! Hey wait I know we can raise a religious objection about this. If I can convince enough of my friends maybe we could even get this Roe thing killed once and for all. That would be nice then my kind would not have to deal with those people and all the trouble they bring. Of course you know who we are talking about. The ones who can not under any circumstances join our country club, well maybe they could work here as long as they know their place and don't talk too much. They make my skin crawl anyway. Too think that my daughter or son would even know any of those people. Well here we are in 2024 headed right back to that way of thinking, not that it ever went away it was just quiet talk between us folk. They still can't join our country club. But now that Roe is dead we won't have to deal with them that much any more. Not that I have to worry my little girl will never need that kind of help. God I'm glad I'm rich and white and not a jew. I really hate having to deal with those people except when I can make a buck or two off of them. I really don't like them I wish they would all go back to where they came from an leave America to us Americans who found this country and made it what it is today. God bless America, long as it is in my church, and it's wire hangers. IN CASE YOU DID NOT UNDERSTAND THIS IS SARCASM. We still have freedom of speech or at least until tRump gets in. Peace Dan

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Sounds like you've seen a lot. I've been in the U.S. for decades but happy to still recognize sarcasm occasionally. Nice to see it's alive and well.

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Don't you think that "the girls(who were raped) were unable to tell their families they’d been raped for fear of the consequences they were likely to face." is the issue that should be addressed in this case? feeling that one has to kill ones' baby to save face for being a victim of crime? That's ridiculous at the very least. It's actually fucked up. Your priorities are in the wrong place.

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In this case, as someone with a vagina, my first priority is giving rape survivors the choice to terminate a pregnancy. In every other case, my priority is keeping wire hangers out of vaginas.

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How about rape being so common in the first place Vince? Oh wait, that makes it a male problem.

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I don't advocate rape, or crime in general. My point was that there's an escalation of a problem when victims are shamed and/or blamed, sometimes causing those victims to take drastic and potentially self destructive actions in order to(in their own minds)remedy their physical and/or psychic pain and fear.

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I just love your irony. This reminds me of a guard telling me when I taught in prison that the reason for more tolerant policies allowing for home incarceration was to benefit manufacturers of ankle monitors.

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So hard to tell reality from joking these days. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks for your humoristic approach! Made me smile, although I wanna cry.

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"Out of spite, only to laugh." Sholom Aleichem.

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