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What I know for sure: perimenopause & Long Covid occasionally conspire to drive me out of my mind. Hoping I am finally entering the Portal which will bring me into my days of Wisdom. 🤞

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When you reach your days of Wisdom, please remember to throw me a rope.

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I'll do you one better and weave a net that we can all take turns using.

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I’m on the perimenopause side of this, and yep - took me by 100% surprise. Thank god for all the GenX & Boomer ladies (& a couple dudes, mostly not though) who have gotten busy getting some evidence-based info out.

I bought 10 copies of Hot and Bothered and passed them out at the park. You can read about that - and see me SO GENTLY interact with a commentor who recommended “de-stressing”- here.


I don’t go into it there, but excellent Substacker Claire Zulkey’s (Evil Witches) piece in The Strategist convinced me to buy a bed jet. No more sweaty pj’s! (Still warmish, but not soaking wet): https://nymag.com/strategist/article/bedjet-review.html

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I can see how books might help... I know I'd enjoy throwing them at people.

That's prob the meno talking.

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More info on Menopause please! It's such a wild ride! I'm on hormone pills now - best decision ever, after eight years of menopausal mayhem I surely deserved a break from all the pains, pangs and panics.

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Enjoy the break! And now you get to laugh at me - too paranoid for hormones.

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I'm with you, Margreet! I knew the meds (first I went back on birth control because a 43 year old woman going back on the pill freaks no one out & is easy to access, even though it's just a higher dose of the hormones offered for MHT) were working when my kids first entire series of orthodontic treatment needs to be repeated and I thought - wow! my first brush with rage in MONTHS! I just clicked through to your Substack and comic about Graphic Medicine. So cool!

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Margreet's entire SS is well worth reading - Love it.

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I subscribed!

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Have been through this. Prepare to feel weird! In my case, acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine helped, even though I thought it was the craziest medical thing I had ever tried

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Weirder than usual? Who can tell anymore?

Definitely agree re acupuncture. Big fan.

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Haha this is great. I’ve heard menopause is even worse than the regular period shit, I’ll know for sure any day now!

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Good luck! IME menopause was absolutely worse. Compounded by my rejection of hormone treatment because at the time research showed bad things. Oy.

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Hmmm, raging meno nutter vs raging bloody nutter. Tough call.

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